Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Threw up

It's really hot recently.

I'm the type of person who needs extra lots of air and be in a place with extra good ventilation.

I was at a discussion at a very stale air place for quite a while. The weather recently is crazily hot also. Within an hour, my head wanted to explode. I tried drinking lots of water but it didn't help much.

After I left the place, Aaron and I thought that we should grab some dinner.

The very moment I swallowed the last bits of a burger, and like a switch within me, I felt like puking.

I took a cab home. I felt sicker with every minute.

When I got home and got to the toilet, I threw up. It rushed out so hard that the veins in my face wanted burst. I felt very faint after that.

That was twenty-four hours ago.

Guys, the weather is insane. Please drink more water.

If I can offer you one tip for the future, sunscreen AND WATER would be it.

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