Wednesday, March 28, 2007


For thirty-three bucks, should I go?

Theatre Studio Season:
by Toy Factory Productions

Reckless rebel or radical pioneer? Porn princess or media maverick? Annabel Chong burst into history in 1994 in a world-record sex marathon with 251 men. The first porn star to emerge from Singapore, she became one of the most internationally recognised Singaporean icons, a controversial public figure and the focus of feverish media attention. Haunted by memories of home, history and her religious upbringing, she struggled to reinvent herself as Grace Quek, digital diva and matrix mistress.
Written by Ng Yi-Sheng, directed by Loretta Chen and starring Cynthia Lee Macquarrie, Cheryl Miles, Amy Cheng, Lee Weng Kee and Paul Lucas.

5th - 8th, 14th & 15th April 2007


Ame C said...

GO!!! I disgusted as it might make me feel...depending on how it's done....

It's Toy Factory...and I have a soft spot for them for some unknown reason......

ooo......and heads up...I might be dropping by Sg this weekend......for the ussual limited engagement...we can do lunch Sunday...or supper Saturday...

I'll text you once I firm plans...

JD Chua said...
