[Previously, on
Film Junkie Rockstar...]
On with THIS BLOG -
25th Hour today, just 24 hours more to my flight. Dreading the trip more after this fine film.
Before I go, I should say my byes as who I am right now to the relevant people. These are the selected people I can think of right now.
Adelene: You're chattier than I thought, and not as blunt.
Kaydash: Thank you man, without you we got no host.
Vanessa: Your sainthood superpower is starting to overwhelm me! May God forever bless your gift. I'll never forget that Darth Vader is referred to All Black.
Charlene: Cape No.7 project was fun. I don't mind going through it again. Make sure you get an internship with the Taiwanese.
Chris: You have work to do. Hold the Batch:ten front.
June: You're really not that bad. Don't let others get to you.
Pearlyn: Without you, I would lose my dark crime writer personality. Write well! Also, always put up those fists to the unjust.
Others are stuck on my thoughts funnel. I'll let them out another time or when I'm drunk. Meanwhile, be safe, be well.
Remember, when you see any unjust, good people are not the ones who do nothing. Applies to me too if I return from LA evil.