Saturday, August 22, 2009

Avatar Day

Yes, I attended the 15 minute first look at Avatar last night.


(Spartan exclamation!)

I also went to read up about the reactions towards the teaser. So here's my retort.

It's understandable why people would slam it, on the "video game" feel, the bad rendering, lazy alien designs. But these are the people who haven't seen beyond the teaser.

150 people went for the screening, and all came out with a bruised jaw. Reason, their jaw hit the floor to hard while watching it.

I'm not a fan of 3D. Every single time I pay to watch such a movie, by the 20th minute, I would forget that it's 3D. The objects stop coming into my face, causing my mind to think that it's flat. And if the objects keep coming into my face, I would think that it's just a bad gimmick.

Avatar changed my mind. It is definitely a movie ticket worth fighting for.


Shilka said...

I'm still not convinced.. Those blue creatures look like monsters I slaughtered in Titan's Quest :|

JD Chua said...

Titan's Quest?

Were you there at the avatar day? I didn't see you. Which screening did you go?