Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Friend and His/Her Partner

I am generally sadden today. Someone I highly regarded as a good friend may not longer be of the same person as his partner has to control him. It's also sad to see that all his phones, online accounts and his friendship with others are controlled by her too.

Since her, I hardly had guys' kopi hangout with him.

I received a very rude email from her during lunch. She accuses me of things I am not and removes my friend from me.

What the hell?

What sparked the matter was stupid and it has past us since it was so long ago.

I shouldn't pursue this matter since the other friends all agree, we tried to help, but she is just too rude about it. Like the rest, I am going to apologize and forget this "imprisoned by love" friend.

All these are my point of view and I shouldn't judge anymore as that relationship is solely between him and her. I may be wrong about it.

And this love must be a bliss for him, so I shall step aside.

I still wish him all the best with his love and life. (edited, thanks for bring this up about the pun) And his brother too, I hope he is recovering well from his sickness.

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