Sunday, February 03, 2008


Someone reached out for me.

I am still unable to forgive, thus I shunned.

I was struggling to get through the day doing my preproduction with my assistant director and co-producer when I got the call.

I froze.

For a while, I actually have to think of what a normal person would do next.

"I'm busy."

See, to them, the whole story is not complete and I am the only one who carry the burden in my heart.

To their ignorance, I hate them. They can believe whatever they want. For screwing me over so that they can exercise their emotions make them forget that I am human too.

"The lights are golden.... Off... Hello Tomorrow."

Only a damaged heart can truly understand how to smile for it knows what pains one has to go through.

1 comment:

Ame C said...
