Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Dead Girl

The Dead Girl
Originally uploaded by charles_carmen
I watched it and I am in awe.

I love this film to bits. A must watch.

I would like to make films like this one day.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I can't wait.


Matthew Carnahan, Michael Mann and Peter Berg, and some HD with some handheld, what more can you ask for?

Credit sequence here:

Uploaded by IMLX

Like a Japaneses girl again.

It's BACK!


I'm more excited than a Japanese girl getting it on in a Japanese porn!

Turn on the volume for best effect!

Time to go to our special place...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I need a lot of air. I feel like vomiting.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I can be so busy that I can forget to sleep.

Every time just before I get to bed, I am reminded of the next to-do. And I tend to do them even though I can get to it the next day.

God, why sleep has to be so important? It's just a waste of time.

Speaking of which, I need to get into a coma now.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Film Marketing & Packaging

I always love how films are being marketed and packaged. This one attracted me recently.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Daniel Hui's

Here's to a friend who's flying off to UCLA.

<-- Second from left

<-- Under my arms

Good luck man.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Insurance People on the Streets

Damn funny.

I was walking along Orchard when a lady with a clipboard comes up to me. I know she is going to try to sell me insurance. I usually don't entertain them, but this time I decided otherwise.

I was dressed in a black shirt with sleeves rolled up and a pair of jeans. Wearing shades, I was looking bad ass.

She walks with me and begins to ask questions.

I constantly pretend to look behind me once in a while as I answered her.

And then she asked, "May I ask what do you do?"

I stopped. I looked at her through the shades and I said, "I work for the government."

She replied, "Oh."

Hanging her head and walk away saying thanks, she didn't see me smile.


What? I'm speaking the truth what.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

More Robot Chicken!

I love the series! Here's the Star Wars Edition. Please watch the top video first.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Another One?

Honesty, I'm tired of it already. Yes I did spend a lot of time on it back when I was younger. The game rocks, the movie over hyped (which went to Cannes by the way), the sequels to the game and movie got bad reviews and now this.

Yes Aerith Gainsborough, it was tragic when you died. Especially when I trained you to super high level with the top limit break which is damn hard to get. Yes the music was overwhelming and it made me cry.

But please, enough already.

FFVII's story should be completed.

Having that said, I won't forget the cool experience I got from the Play! Symphony when they played One-Winged Angel.

No more... no more... please... I don't wanna follow the story anymore.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Games Convention @ Suntec

Went to the event and played a few interesting video games with Wayne, Lester and Norainah. I will definitely get a Playstation 3 when I get the blues and reds.

I'm not sure if this guy got any relation with Cooking Mama.

And is a picture of a lady I swear I have seen before. Anybody out there who can help me recall?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Stupid For You Covers!

Wow, it's more popular than I thought! Here's some YouTubers singing to the song! This first one is the original:

That's lots of covers for some song that got famous from YouTube! Try playing all of them together!

YouTube Talents

I'm sure you guys heard of different versions of Rihanna's Umbrella, especially by Marie Digby or Mandy Moore.

But listen to Marie Digby, original talent without the marketing.

Here's her original song Stupid For You:

And here's another cute cover of it:

Another one:

Audience have spoken. Marketing can only take you so far, but talent is EVERYTHING.

But don't try to be cute by playing both videos together to see if they can duet. It doesn't work, already tried.

A New Kind of Lifestyle

Life is pretty much like your own handphone.

Mine was once new, and many add-ons were made, and blings-blings from love ones, and scratches were made, and dropped a few times.

But guess what, time to move on and start afresh.

Yeah! Now I'm connected everywhere!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I Am - !

Did I say that it will rock?

WHOA! After 28 Weeks Later, give me this to look forward to next!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

It's Up!

Click link here.

Support us!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

New Season of Smooth E!

I love the first season of their ad campaign which won several awards.

This is the trailer of their new product.

If you understand Thai, here's a link to all their ads in avi format.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Live Earth Theory

It's all about the money.

I'm sure you guys have heard of how the Live Earth event has caused more waste than how to save as it rallies.

I have been thinking about it and I have a theory. Keyword: Theory.

There will be some who will disagree with me but remember, it's a theory. If you wanna discuss, yes please, but don't turn it personal.

Okay, here goes:

Let's calculate how many artists are there = 150.
How many acts are there since some artists perform together = About 90?
Let's calculate the amount of audience at the concerts = Dunno. Let's put it as X

So let 90 acts be hundred percent - 100%

Among the 100%, I think only 10% are already disbanded bands who came together just for Live Earth. So make this 90%.

Have I gone Matrix Reloaded? Try to keep up.

Now ask yourselves this: for the 90%, wouldn't the artists themselves have their own concerts anyway?

Here's the audience calculated = X divided by 90% = A

So A is the estimated amount of audience at their own concerts.

Will that total 90% amount almost sum up to the audience at Live Earth?

A times 90% = X

Would the energy wasted be around the same?

Let energy per concert per artist be B.

Energy used in Live Earth divided by X = B


B times 90% = Live Earth?

So the producers had got them together for the same event at maybe zero cost? And with the concerts recorded for broadcasting live and reruns, wouldn't the producers get money out of the broadcasters?

And they haven't even come out with DVDs yet. Imagine that they did. How much more will they earn?

Would you agree with this equation:

(B times 90%) + (A times 90%) = Live Earth but with some extra bucks?

And come on, the event ended not so long ago, it's too early to say if the message of saving earth has worked.

Only time will tell, so quit saying that it's wrong for the event to happen...for now.

It created more awareness no?

Sorry about the maths...