Saturday, May 19, 2007

Snort the Motherf***ing Yay

It's been in my mind for far too long.

Time to put Father back the way it should originally been.

I reviewed the screenplay and I thought that the message of the story will be carried out strongly if the negative side is all shown. This means putting self-less and pure love shown together with drugs, sex and violence for comparison.

From all the ugly things, we can truly appreciate the good.

It is about undercover vices gone wrong and the guy who just wouldn't die so that he can set things right.

From the weak story Father, It's been retitled Mercedes. It is a meeting place that these people have.

Miami Vice + Army of Two + Narc + Memento + Die Hard = Mercedes

I hope to shoot this half hour short in 2012 in English, Thai, Chinese, Russian and Malay. After the short, I'll leave the feature version to run its own course using this as a pitch.

Don't worry, I ain't planning to act in this as well. But maybe cameo?

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