Saturday, July 04, 2009

Trailers that Spoils Too Much

We are talking about Daybreakers and its possible spoilers. So be warned.

I would say that the trailer is cool. And the directors had come a long way since Undead. I would watch this just to support the spirit of "starting small".

Ok, here's the issue that bothered me: the marketing. It's not about Ethan Hawke, not about that Placebo song, not the effects, but the choice of scenes cut for the trailer.

I am not sure if it's intended, but 90% of the story is in there, leaving the question on how it ends.

Dot #1
We have scenes of Sam Neill with his character's son who says that he is good at being a vampire.

Dot #2
Ethan Hawke asks, what if there is no single drop of blood left. Sam Neill says that there will be people willing to pay for the real stuff. It has been set up that the vampires are making fake blood.

Dot #3
The humans say that they have the cure to turn vampires back into humans.

Dot #4
Sam Neill asks, "What's the cure?"

Draw the lines
What do you think Sam Neill will do once he gets his hands on the cure? Turn back into human? Remember that his son says that he is good at being a vampire? From there you can tell what's the theme and the story is about.

Think about it.

I would still watch it though.

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